Sunday, 29 March 2020

Looking after yourself during self-isolation

Dear yoga-loving friends,

It's been a long while since I've been in touch, and I hope that you've been doing really well. I'm writing because you've been in my thoughts a great deal at this very challenging time, and I thought I'd share some resources I've found valuable lately – for myself and for my loved ones – including yoga, meditation, Chinese herbs and support groups.

Firstly, of course, yoga practice. Here's what I use generally:

This is an American yoga website that's subscription based – but in my opinion, definitely worth it. There's a huge variety of teachers, classes, time durations, styles, and body part-specific classes. It's particularly good if you just want to get a 15-20 minute practice in every day. The site is also currently offering nine free classes. The teachers I love are:
-Jason Crandell – Great for careful alignment, clarity and precision
-Jo Tastula – Flowing vinyasa classes, lovely kind manner
-Kia Miller – Vinyasa and kundalini classes, warm and kind

This is an app, usually subscription based but now free until April 1 because of the current situation. It's automatically generated, based on the exact time you want to practice for, and what your focus is. You can pick the kind of music that plays in the background, and the poses are demonstrated by a real person! 

Yoga teachers are really rallying to provide as many free classes online as possible, including some of my favourite teachers from New York.

Julianna Takacs
Julianna was one of my first ever yoga teachers, and I still think and feel what I learned with her, deeply. She's now based in New Mexico, but offering online classes – which of course, I highly recommend.

Tara Glazier
Tara is an exceptional teacher based in Dumbo, NYC, who runs a studio called Abhaya. The schedule is here, and you can book online for Zoom classes. Note: if you have any techy glitches, just email them and they'll sort it out for you! Here's the timetable -- look for Tara's classes specifically:

Meditation is such an incredible support at times like this, when there's a climate of general anxiety. As I'm sure you know, there are some really good apps including Insight -- where you can either just sit with a timer, or choose a guided meditation. I highly recommend Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach. Jack Kornfield does a wonderful podcast series of talks called Heart Wisdom. They are so incredibly calming and lovely, and you can get them on Spotify, or at his website, here: 

My absolute favourite meditation teacher is called Susan Piver. Again, she's based in the States, but operates a global network called the Open Heart Project. Susan has been studying and teaching Buddhist meditation for decades, and has written some incredibly insightful (and funny, and kind) books, including The Wisdom of a Broken Heart. If you subscribe to the OHP, you get a new guided 10 minute meditation every day, as well as lots of free courses. But you can still get a free weekly meditation if you don't sign up. And right now, Susan and some truly brilliant, renowned Buddhist meditation teachers are doing daily free meditations on Zoom -- there are four every day! I have found so much peace and clarity through her daily meditations, so I do hope some of you might give it a go.

Open Heart Project
Daily meditation schedule, including link to join Zoom meditations (you will need to set up Zoom on your computer!)

For those of you with lung conditions, I've been in touch with an acupuncturist friend in the States for some practical advice on supporting your health and specifically your lungs. Here is what she suggests:

"Astragalus and Isatis Root are both good for defending the lung and keeping it strong. Zinc and Vitamin D are also good. This virus in particular has a cold damp quality, so initial treatment principle is expel and purge while staying very hydrated, and keep nasal passages open. So, a fresh ginger tea with thyme and oregano, gargle with warm salt water, do Neti or steam with eucalyptus or oil of oregano. Don’t eat any cold or raw food, sugar or milk to keep the cold damp from penetrating further."

Hand sanitiser
As you will know, it is like gold dust right now! To be really clear, for hand sanitizer to be effective against Covid-19, it needs to contain at least 60% alcohol (note, vodka is usually around 40%). The Neal's Yard spray is 70%. They're out of it right now, but trying to produce more, as well as refills, which should be available soon. Meantime, it is possible to make your own. I used Amazon to get hold of rubbing alcohol and aloe vera gel, and am about to start making my own – I'll let you know if I'm successful! 
Gel recipe: Mix 3 parts isopropyl alcohol to 1 part aloe vera gel. Add a few drops of tea tree oil.

Sunlight and fresh air really do help boost your health! At last, I have found scientific research to prove it!

Please take the opportunity to rest. And don't feel you have to launch into some gigantic, sonnet-writing project just because Shakespeare did. Most of us work pretty darn hard, and could use a little break -- and our immune systems need all the love they can get right now. Be kind to yourself. 

Finally, there's a network of amazing Mutual Aid groups, all around the UK that you can join via Facebook. The Lewisham group really is fantastic -- lots of people offering to help with shopping, dog-walking, emotional support and such. The list of links to different groups is here:

Okay, that's it from me, for now!

Much love x